The Ministry of Energy, Trade and Tourism has announced the modification of the existing project “Solar Energy for Everyone” to promote PV plant installations.
The project includes the following categories of investments:

A.Photovoltaic systems up to 5kWp connected to the Net by using Net Metering systems. The total available power given is 23MW.
B. Self-production photovoltaic systems up to 10,000 kW (10MW) each, in commercial and industrial units. The total available power given is 40MW.
C. Autonomous Photovoltaic systems not connected to the grid.

The main additions / modifications made to the plan are:
1. The modified project includes investments related to PV system’s installations by industries active in the agriculture, livestock, fisheries and aquaculture sectors. In addition, companies involved in the manufacture and production of products that are imitation or substitutes for milk and its products are included.
2. The implementation of a special program by the Ministry of Education and Culture to install PV systems in public schools / kindergartens and public educational institutions.
3. Increasing the availability for 2016 for Net Metering Systems from 20MW to 23MW.
4. Increasing the maximum system power in the self-production range from 20MW to 40MW.
5. Inclusion of a new category of investments related to installations of autonomous PV systems in premises not connected to the EAC network.


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